Money Affirmations


Affirmations are statements you repeat regularly that can shift negative thoughts to positive ones. When repeated daily, positive affirmations can help you form new beliefs and create an abundance mindset that will help you manifest your goal.

Here are some money affirmations.

I am a money magnet.

Money flows freely to me.

I always have enough money.

There is always more than enough money in my life.

I attract money easily and effortlessly.

I believe there is enough money for everyone.

Money comes to me in expected and unexpected ways.

I am financially free.

I have a positive relationship to money.

My income increases constantly.

I think about money positively.

My income exceeds my expenses.

I am open to receiving money.

I am able to handle large sums of money.

I get rich doing what I love.

The more I focus on joy, the more money I will make.


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