Is Face Yoga harmful to skin?

Face yoga done correctly uses slow, controlled movements that do not tug or drag the skin. You may have seen people on social media doing face yoga incorrectly and being rough with the skin, which can be damaging. But, correctly done, face yoga can help tone and strengthen the skin, preventing wrinkling. You can check in a mirror as you do face yoga to ensure that you aren’t creasing or wrinkling the skin as you go. Lines are often due to repeated expressions. Face yoga actually helps relax the face and make you more aware of your facial movements, helping to prevent lines and lessen existing lines.

How often should I do face yoga?

Just like body workouts, you don’t want to overdo it! Do face yoga just once a day, 6 times a week.

How long to see results?

You may see an immediate “glow” and feel less tension in your face after doing face yoga. It generally takes about 2 weeks to see improvement in the face and neck. After 2 to 4 months, you will see fewer fine lines. You will look healthier and less tense. After 6 to 9 months, most people look and feel younger and feel more relaxed. Results do vary on age, skin condition, lifestyle, etc. This is why Face Yoga Babe incorporates healthy habits into our program to create a holistic approach.

Can you do face yoga after Botox/Fillers?

Please ask your doctor how long you should wait before massaging the face or doing face yoga as it depends on how much they had injected and where. Two weeks is usually the standard.

Can you do face yoga after surgery?

If you have had surgery on your face, neck or head then please ask your doctor before doing Face Yoga. Face yoga is generally safe if you’ve had cosmetic surgery but there will be a waiting period after surgery so you can heal.