Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

Types of Abundance

Stephen Covey coined the terms scarcity mindset and abundance mindset in his best-selling book, The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People. Scarcity mindset is a view that life has a finite number of resources available, so that if one person gets more, that leaves less for everyone else. A scarcity mindset keeps us from achieving our goals because we feel like we can’t get the things we want because we don’t have the same luck, skills, advantages, etc. Conversely, an abundance mindset is the idea that there are limitless opportunities available to you in business and life and that there’s enough for everyone.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

Use Cinnamon in Your Wallet to Attract Money, Wealth, and Abundance

Are you looking for more wealth and abundance? Try placing cinnamon in your wallet to attract prosperity into your life. Throughout history, various cultures and traditions have recognized the potent energies present in the natural world and have sought to tap into these forces to manifest their desires. One such practice involves the use of spices, herbs, and other natural elements in spellwork. Cinnamon has long been associated with prosperity, abundance, and attracting positive energies.

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