The Three Ps of Affirmations


Affirmations are key when it comes to raising your vibration and manifesting what you want. But if you’re just going through the motions or writing them wrong, they won’t pack the punch you need. So, let’s break down how to write affirmations that actually work by focusing on the three Ps: Personal, Present Tense, and Positive.

1. Keep It Positive

First things first—focus on what you want, not what you don’t want. Forget words like don’t, won’t, can’t, or not. Why? Because the Law of Attraction doesn’t get negatives. If you say, "I don’t want to be broke," the universe only hears "be broke." It’s like when someone tells you not to think about a white elephant—what happens? Your brain immediately thinks about a white elephant. Same thing with affirmations. Instead of saying, “I don’t want to be stressed,” flip it to, “I’m so calm and at peace.” You’re focusing on the good stuff, and that’s what you’ll attract.

2. Talk Like It’s Already Happened (Present Tense)

Here’s the second P: Present Tense. Don’t talk about what you will have—talk like you already have it. You’re not trying to attract something that’s off in the future; you’re aligning your energy with the idea that it’s already here. That’s how you raise your vibration and match the frequency of what you want. Instead of saying “I will attract abundance,” go with “I am living an abundant life.” The present tense tells the universe (and your subconscious) that you’re already in that space.

3. Make It Personal

Affirmations are all about you. You can’t manifest for anyone else—you’re in control of your own thoughts, actions, and energy, not someone else’s. That’s why affirmations should always start with “I am” or “I have.” It’s personal and specific to you. Trying to change other people? That’s not how manifesting works. Focus on what you can do for yourself.

Pro Tip: Focus on the Feeling

Affirmations that hit hardest are the ones that get you feeling it. Don’t just say the words—feel like you’ve already got what you want. For example, “It feels so damn good to have all the money I desire.” Feel the excitement, the relief, the joy, or whatever emotion comes with having what you’re asking for. The energy behind the words is what really makes the magic happen.

Now Let’s Put It Into Action

Here are a few affirmations to get you started:

  • Money: "I am so happy I have all the money I desire."

  • Love: "I am grateful for my loving, supportive partner."

  • Business: "I am successful in all my business endeavors."

  • Abundance: "My life is overflowing with abundance."

When to Do Your Affirmations

Affirmations work best when you’re consistent. Start your day with them to set the tone, and finish strong by saying them before bed to lock in those positive vibes overnight. Or, you can do them anytime you need a boost. Driving to work? Perfect time to repeat those affirmations like a mantra.

But here’s the key: don’t just repeat the words mindlessly—really feel them. Get into the energy of having what you want, and the universe will meet you there.

Bottom line: stick to the 3 Ps (Personal, Present Tense, Positive), feel your affirmations, and do them consistently. You’ve got this!


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