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Manifesting Money: Simple and Quick Techniques for Financial Abundance

Manifesting money isn’t some mystical, out-of-reach thing. It’s a practical, powerful way to get your financial life together when you combine the right mindset with the right actions. No fluff here—just simple, no-BS techniques that fit seamlessly into your busy life. Whether you're new to manifesting or need to level up your current practice, these strategies will help you bring in the cash effortlessly.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

9 Ways to Protect Your Energy

Every day we are bombarded with other peoples’ energy. At home, at work, at social events - these interactions can sap your own energy and leave you feeling drained. These 9 techniques will help you protect your energy so you can keep your vibe high.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

What is Gratitude?

We all know how to say “thank you” when someone does something nice for us. From a young age, we’re taught to say “thank you” and in some cases it becomes a rote repetition of words that don’t have much actual feeling behind it. Have you ever said “you too” to a cashier when they say “enjoy your meal” and then facepalm? It’s that kind of “nice” behavior that’s trained into us when we’re young and it’s not a bad thing. But practicing gratitude is different than just saying thanks after someone does something nice.

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Visualize to Materialize

Visualizing what you want is key to manifesting what you want. This isn’t just picturing some goal in your head like a new car. It’s mentally putting yourself in that space where you have received what you want so it feels like you already have it. If you’re visualizing a new car, focus on that new car smell, the feel of the interior, how the car looks and sounds. Use all your senses to create the sensation in your mind that you have it. You mind can’t tell if you are really experiencing it or just mentally experiencing it.

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Stop Thinking Small: 10 Ways to Switch to an Abundance Mindset

Many people are stuck in a scarcity mindset filled with negative self-talk like “I can’t do this. I’m not enough.” This kind of thinking holds them back from achieving their goals. To get out of that rut, they need to switch to an abundance mindset. There is a quote “The secret to having it all is believing you already do” (attributed to John Assaraf). That is the abundance mindset at work. Having an abundance mindset means seeing the endless potential in yourself and others and opening up your world to limitless opportunities. So, how do you switch to an abundance mindset?

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10 Quick Habits to Manifest What You Want

Manifesting is about bringing what you want into your life through attraction and belief. In a nutshell, if you think it, it will come. You’ve probably heard of the concept if you remember the 2006 bestselling book, The Secret or have listened to celebrities like Oprah or online gurus like Gala Darling.

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What is High vs. Low Vibration?

Everything in the universe is made up of particles that are in a constant state of motion, vibrating at different speeds. These differing rates can change if the conditions around the molecules change. While these conditions can be physical (like temperature), feelings like anxiety and nervous thoughts can cause physical reactions in your body. It is thought that certain positive emotions and behaviors, such as happiness, love, optimism, or hope, create high frequency vibrations, while negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, hopelessness, fear, jealousy or worry vibrate at a lower rate. High vibrations make you feel lighter, happier, and calmer while lower vibrations make you feel heavy, dark, and uncertain.

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