Affirmations Face Yoga Babe Affirmations Face Yoga Babe

10 Affirmations to Attract Wealth

Repeating affirmations regularly can help embed them into your subconscious. The more you repeat a positive statement, the more likely you are to believe it and act on it. Affirmations help shift your focus from negative thoughts to positive ones. By constantly reinforcing positive beliefs about yourself and your abilities, you start to see yourself and the world in a more positive light. Affirmations can actually change the neural pathways in your brain. When you repeat positive affirmations, you're strengthening those neural pathways associated with positivity and self-belief, making it easier for your brain to default to those thoughts and behaviors.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

Working on Your Limiting Beliefs About Money

“I’ll never get out of debt!” “I can never make that kind of money!” “I can’t afford that!” Does that sound familiar? If it does, you need to work on your limiting beliefs about money. Many of us hold ideas about money that we’ve had for a very long time. Whether it’s because of how you were raised or maybe a bad experience with money, when you have a limiting belief about money, it just ensures you will always be stuck in the same loop of not having enough and worrying about having enough. The law of attraction states what you believe is what you’ll receive so if you’re always focused on a lack of money, negative thinking about money will only get your more negative.

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