Working on Your Limiting Beliefs About Money

limiting beliefs

“I’ll never get out of debt!” “I can never make that kind of money!” “I can’t afford that!”

Does that sound familiar? If it does, you need to work on your limiting beliefs about money. Many of us hold ideas about money that we’ve had for a very long time. Whether it’s because of how you were raised or maybe a bad experience with money, when you have a limiting belief about money, it just ensures you will always be stuck in the same loop of not having enough and worrying about having enough. The law of attraction states what you believe is what you’ll receive so if you’re always focused on a lack of money, negative thinking about money will only get your more negative.

Many of us grew up in households where money was treated in a negative manner. I never grew up poor, but I did grow up in a house where my stepmom was very frugal. She was always looking for discounts and coupons. Her parents had lived through the depression so I think that’s where her ideas about money came about. Money seemed to be something that worried her. Many years ago, when I told my parents I was getting a divorce, my stepmom’s first words were “Are you prepared to support yourself for the rest of your life?” Talk about negative thinking! My father on the other hand DID grow up quite poor on a farm. He got a good job and got into investing and while he was conservative with money, he would treat himself occasionally. He seemed less fearful of not having enough money (maybe because he’d already been in that place as a kid) and he worked to put the money he did have to work for him.

I’ve always been a spender. Too many times, I saw people saving for some future thing, only to have illness take away their future plans. I’ve taken riskier steps than most people - like buying more house than I need or taking on more debt to get the things I want, but I’ve always felt that things will work out. This is part of my “unintentional” manifesting. I had a manifesting mindset before I really knew what manifesting was.

If you focus all your energy on how much debt you have to where it’s a constant worry and all you can think of, you’re putting all your energy into the debt, which will keep you in a lacking state of mind. If you shift to an abundance mindset where you know that money will come to you and that you will have enough, it puts you in the right frame of mind to receive. I recently made a point to do some money affirmations - things like “I have plenty of money for everything I need”. I woke up the next morning to a message from one of my credit card providers saying they were going to lower my APR! The message just came out of the blue, but it came right after I specifically made a point to shift to an abundant money mindset. Ask and you will receive!

Examine what YOUR current money mindset is. Think about how you grew up and what mindsets your family had about money that you may have picked up. Make an effort to make friends with money. Money is just a tool. It’s not good or bad. Don’t be afraid of it or feel negatively about it. Do some positive money affirmations to shift your thinking to an abundant mindset. If you have debt, do what you can to get your situation right, whether it’s consolidating credit card bills or working with a financial planner. But again, take the emotions and feelings out of it. Who you were in the past has no bearing on the future so having accumulated some debt does not mean you’ll be in debt forever. You hold the key to your own future.

Instead of focusing on the lack, focus on what you have and even more importantly, what you can provide. Maybe use this as an opportunity to start a business to make some extra money. You could resell clothes on Poshmark, for example. Not only will you make extra cash, you’ll clear your space of stuff you no longer want or need, which in turn helps keep your space high vibe. Remove the limitations that say “you can’t” and replace them with “I can”. Be open to opportunities and ideas and live every day appreciating the abundance in your life and all around you.


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