Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

9 Ways to Protect Your Energy

Every day we are bombarded with other peoples’ energy. At home, at work, at social events - these interactions can sap your own energy and leave you feeling drained. These 9 techniques will help you protect your energy so you can keep your vibe high.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

Give Your House a Manifestation Makeover

Making a few simple changes around the house can make your home a welcome place for manifestation. State firmly your goals for the home. This is especially good if you’ve ended a bad situation in the home. Say something like, “My intention is to release negative energy from my home so I am productive in this space" or "My intention is to release the negative energy from my past relationship so I feel at peace again.” Having a specific intention for the home helps guide you to create the environment you want in the home.

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