Give Your House a Manifestation Makeover


Making a few simple changes around the house can make your home a welcome place for manifestation.

Set your intention for the home.

State firmly your goals for the home. This is especially good if you’ve ended a bad situation in the home. Say something like, “My intention is to release negative energy from my home so I am productive in this space" or "My intention is to release the negative energy from my past relationship so I feel at peace again.” Having a specific intention for the home helps guide you to create the environment you want in the home.

Get rid of broken things.

Throw away or donate broken, worn-out things. When you are keeping broken things around the house, you are keeping broken energy in your home. Instead of creating a space for abundance, you are living in a state where things aren’t working. Keeping an item that no longer works, especially in your eye line, not only creates clutter, but is a reminder of something that isn’t working for you. It’s the opposite of the energy you want.

Organize and put things in their place.

When you have clutter scattered everywhere, your energy is scattered as well. You’ll waste time looking for what you want. By putting things away, you are allowing energy to freely move throughout your home. Put large items against a wall to let energy flow about the room. Think of clutter as energy roadblocks. Remove the roadblocks so the energy can flow about your house.

Burn herbs or incense to clear the space.

Many people have heard of burning sage to cleanse a home, but you can burn other dried herbs and incense as well. Some suggestions are cedar for decluttering, rosemary for new beginnings, sandalwood for grounding, or palo santo for prosperity. Even just using a Himalayan salt lamp can help cleanse the energy in the home.

Cleanse your home with salt.

Salt is great for clearing negative energy from your home.

  • Dissolve sea salt in a spray bottle filled with water and mist around each room in your home.

  • Place a thin line of sea salt in front of your home's entrance or around the edge of your property to keep out negative energy.

  • Put some salt in a small dish on your altar.

  • Use Himalayan salt lamps.

Add crystals to the space.

Crystals can be very personal so I recommend choosing what feels best for you, but some common suggestions are:

  • Black obsidian, black tourmaline, clear quartz, selenite, or lapiz lazuli for living rooms and entryways

  • Amethyst, rose quartz, or garnet for the bedroom

  • Citrine, iron pyrite, green aventurine, or tiger’s eye for the office

  • Blood stone for your gym

  • Smoky Quartz or shungite near your media centers

Let nature in.

Open up window shades to let light in. Put some plants around the house. Connecting with nature by talking a walk, picking up shells on the beach, or just feeling grass under your toes grounds you. Nature doesn’t judge you and nature shows us the beauty of life in all forms. Bringing some of that vibe into your home will help keep you grateful for what you have and will help you appreciate the small things.

Make some money jars.

Find 3 to 5 jars and set them in the places you spend the most time in throughout the day. Label each jar with a phrase such as “I have abundant wealth” or “Money flows naturally to me.” Fill the jars with real money, checks, and symbols of wealth. Every time you see the jar as you go about your day, your subconscious will be reminded of your abundance.


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