Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

Working on Your Limiting Beliefs About Money

“I’ll never get out of debt!” “I can never make that kind of money!” “I can’t afford that!” Does that sound familiar? If it does, you need to work on your limiting beliefs about money. Many of us hold ideas about money that we’ve had for a very long time. Whether it’s because of how you were raised or maybe a bad experience with money, when you have a limiting belief about money, it just ensures you will always be stuck in the same loop of not having enough and worrying about having enough. The law of attraction states what you believe is what you’ll receive so if you’re always focused on a lack of money, negative thinking about money will only get your more negative.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

What is High vs. Low Vibration?

Everything in the universe is made up of particles that are in a constant state of motion, vibrating at different speeds. These differing rates can change if the conditions around the molecules change. While these conditions can be physical (like temperature), feelings like anxiety and nervous thoughts can cause physical reactions in your body. It is thought that certain positive emotions and behaviors, such as happiness, love, optimism, or hope, create high frequency vibrations, while negative emotions such as anger, anxiety, hopelessness, fear, jealousy or worry vibrate at a lower rate. High vibrations make you feel lighter, happier, and calmer while lower vibrations make you feel heavy, dark, and uncertain.

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Mindset Face Yoga Babe Mindset Face Yoga Babe

Give Your House a Manifestation Makeover

Making a few simple changes around the house can make your home a welcome place for manifestation. State firmly your goals for the home. This is especially good if you’ve ended a bad situation in the home. Say something like, “My intention is to release negative energy from my home so I am productive in this space" or "My intention is to release the negative energy from my past relationship so I feel at peace again.” Having a specific intention for the home helps guide you to create the environment you want in the home.

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Affirmations Face Yoga Babe Affirmations Face Yoga Babe

Money Affirmations

Affirmations are statements you repeat regularly that can shift negative thoughts to positive ones. When repeated daily, positive affirmations can help you form new beliefs and create an abundance mindset that will help you manifest your goal. Here are some money affirmations.

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